Take Control of Your Finances

Get a Fresh Financial Start

For over two decades, Marcus Herbert has helped people in Kentucky and Illinois get out of debt with bankruptcy. If you are overwhelmed, we are here to listen and explain your legal rights to put debt behind you.


What Is Bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy helps people who can no longer pay their debts get a fresh financial start by discarding debt or making a plan to repay debts. The length and process of the bankruptcy depends on what Chapter you are filing.

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Our Services

There are different types of bankruptcies for every situation. Read more about the different chapters and types of debt here.

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Law Updates

Read our blog for bankruptcy advice, law updates, and general information.

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Our Practice

Marcus Herbert is your local bankruptcy lawyer for Illinois and Kentucky residents with office locations in Paducah, Kentucky, and Carbondale, Illinois. Marcus focused his practice on personal bankruptcy and has accumulated over 25 years of experience since he opened his first law practice in 1995. If you are considering filing bankruptcy it can be overwhelming, but our goal is to explain all of your options and simplify the legal process for you to take back control of your life.


“Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.”

— Herbert Hoover